Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Number 1

Okay, I just opened by AmeriTrade account online, so I can officially cross off my first item on my To-Do list! I'm so excited - this may cause a trend...

1. Get in the best shape of my life
2. Get a job I love
3. Go to a water park and not feel self-conscious
4. Catch a fish
5. Go on a mission trip
6. Grow a plant and NOT kill it
7. Remodel a room on my own
8. Travel to Italy
9. Go skinny dipping
10. Sit through a Star Trek movie
11. Visit San Francisco, CA
12. Take dance lessons (now that I’m an adult Clogging just doesn’t count)
13. Sing karaoke
14. Invest in the stock market directly
15. Read the Bible all the way through
16. Go out to eat by myself (To-go does not count)
17. Learn to swim
18. Buy one piece of expensive jewelry for myself
19. Go to a Yankees game
20. Be an extra on a film
21. Learn how to take a compliment
22. Learn not to say yes when I really mean no
23. Write the novel I know I have inside me
24. Stay out all night dancing and go to work the next day…w/o going home
25. Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich
26. Shower in a waterfall
27. Write down my personal mission statement, follow it, and revise it from time to time.
28. Make a complete and utter fool of yourself.
29. Pose nude for a professional photographer - a reputable one
30. Go wild in Rio during Carnival
31. Spend Christmas on the beach drinking Malibu & Diet
32. Overcome my fear of failure.
33. Be able to handle: my tax forms, Jehovah's Witnesses, my banker, telephone solicitors, my mother
34. Kiss the Blarney stone.
35. Make love in a closed restaurant
36. Run the Boston Marathon
37. Create my family tree.
38. Learn to take “real” photographs
39. Donate money and put my name on something: a college scholarship, a bench in the park.
40. Make grave etchings in Louisiana

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